Visit of Prof. Bassam Tawabini at NRRE/CPERI/CERTH
It was a great pleasure welcoming to our Laboratory the Associate Professor Bassam Tawabini from the Geosciences Department, College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (CPG) of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The visit of Prof. Tawabini was in the context of ongoing scientific collaboration with members of our staff and the purpose was to overview current joint R&D activities (experimental work, joint proposal submission, publications, etc.), to discuss on future plans and to explore more opportunities for scientific collaboration between researchers of CPERI and CPG. During his visit Prof. Tawabini had the chance to visit NRRE’s and CPERI’s facilities and to meet CPERI scientists. On Wednesday, 26/2/2020, Prof. Tawabini delivered also a speech to CPERI scientists, introducing KFUPM, CPG and Geosciences Department, with emphasis given to the results of the joint work with NRRE on the “Removal of BTEX & Phenols from Highly Saline Water Using an Advanced Electrochemical Unit”. We hope that the scientific visit of Prof. Tawabini in our Center was fruitful and we are looking forward to meeting him again.