Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe (URGENCHE) / Funded by European Commission, FP7-ENV-2010, G.A. 265114

Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe (URGENCHE) / Funded by European Commission, FP7-ENV-2010, G.A. 265114

The scope of the project proposal is the public health and well-being impact of urban scale implementation of Green-House-Gas (GHG)-mitigation policies. The methodological project objective is to develop a modelling platform and a related database for urban impact assessment. The platform will be robust, easily transportable to new cities, and can be used for draft or detailed assessment depending on the availability of data. Topics covered are : urban energy generation and use, and GHG and other pollution release; urban spatial data including the urban spatial plan, building stock, transportation, and population; socio-economic, demographic, exposure, health and well-being of the population. The scope of the project proposal is the public health and well-being impact of urban scale implementation of Green-House-Gas (GHG)-mitigation policies. The methodological project objective is to develop a modelling platform and a related database for urban impact assessment. The platform will be robust, easily transportable to new cities, and can be used for draft or detailed assessment depending on the availability of data. Topics covered are : urban energy generation and use, and GHG and other pollution release; urban spatial data including the urban spatial plan, building stock, transportation, and population; socio-economic, demographic, exposure, health and well-being of the population. The scope of the project proposal is the public health and well-being impact of urban scale implementation of Green-House-Gas (GHG)-mitigation policies. The methodological project objective is to develop a modelling platform and a related database for urban impact assessment. The platform will be robust, easily transportable to new cities, and can be used for draft or detailed assessment depending on the availability of data. Topics covered are : urban energy generation and use, and GHG and other pollution release; urban spatial data including the urban spatial plan, building stock, transportation, and population; socio-economic, demographic, exposure, health and well-being of the population.