Chemical Engineer, PhD / Collaborate Researcher

    Tel: 0030 2310 498188

    email: sioutop@certh.gr

    Research Gate profile: www.researchgate.net/profile/ Dimitris_Sioutopoulos



    • Advanced membrane technologies for optimizing the use of natural resources in the industrial sectors
    • Membrane colloidal and organic fouling
    • Development of experimental and theoretical tools for the determination of the optimum conditions for hemodialysis

    Dimitrios C. Sioutopoulos has a diploma in Chemical Engineering (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). In addition he obtained MSc and PhD degrees (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) in Chemical Engineering. Working since 2002 on R&D topics related to water desalination, industrial water treatment and reuse as well as recovery of valuable compounds from wastewater streams. His main research interests include advanced membrane separation processes for water desalination, wastewater reuse as well as techniques for organic and colloidal membrane fouling mitigation and characterization of thin organic layers. His research activities resulted to 15 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, papers that have published in conference proceedings, as well as two book chapters. He has been involved in many R&D projects funded by the European Commission, chemical industries and other funding agencies.

    In his spare time, Dimitris loves running, photography, playing chess and travelling.