Tel: 0030 2310 498184
email: karanasiou@certh.gr
- Processes for desalination and water purification
- Membrane processes
- Novel membrane processes for a broad spectrum of industrial separations
Anthoula Karanasiou graduated with a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2003. From 2003 until 2011 she has worked as a chemical engineer in industry, construction and service. Main areas of preoccupation was solid wastes’ management, environmental permits, designing, training and monitoring management systems based on international and European standards, feasibility studies, investment projects, quality control etc. She joined the NRRE in October 2011, being occupied in R&D projects funded by the European Commission, chemical industries and other national funding agencies, with her research activities focusing on membrane scaling during desalination, water and wastewater analysis, membrane distillation and membrane based separations. In 2017 she accomplished a master degree in Chemical and Environmental Technology from the department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research activities resulted to 6 peer-reviewed scientific papers and many papers that have appeared in conference proceedings.
Outside the lab, she enjoys sailing, choir singing and dancing.