Process development for recovery of high added-value compounds from the solid wastes of the pomegranate-juice industry / Funded by NSRF 2007-2013, 9NEW_B_2012
In the new innovative method to be developed, the following three basic stages of the processing of the pericarp are provided, using advanced processes: – Isolation by extraction of the tannic ingredients from the pomegranate pericarp, and concentration of the initial extract to the desired degree, increase the concentration of ellaithanins and other tannins
(which themselves and their hydrolysates are of high biological and added value), and to facilitate their hydrolysis to the next stage. – Enzymatic hydrolysis of tannic components under mild operating conditions in membrane bioreactors of immobilized microorganisms or enzymes, in order to obtain organic acids (ellagic acid).
This stage is also the most innovative, since it will allow for the development of a method of producing a product of high added value and biological value on a sufficiently large scale. Final treatment of the solid residue after removal of its tannic constituents for the purpose of energy recovery as well as other alternative ways of exploiting it.