This chapter deals with the main techno-economic and environmental issues involved in assessing the sustainability of…
Νέα δημοσίευση του Εργαστηρίου στο περιοδικό Desalination (2017) με τίτλο “Analysis of specific energy consumption in reverse…
Paper presented at the “3rd International Conference on Desalination Using Membrane Technology”, Gran Canaria, Spain, April…
Experimental results are reported on the effect of polysaccharides in the early stage of membrane scaling.…
Wine waste lees are currently partly exploited for tartaric acid (TA) production, through an environment-offensive process,…
Prof. A J Karabelas, Guest Editor of published Desalination (volume 403, February 2017)special issue entitled “Desalination Using Membrane Technology”…
Prof. A. J. Karabelas keynote speaker at the International Conference EWM2017 (Engineering With Membranes / Recent Advances…
Prof. A. J. Karabelas invited speaker in the “3rd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology”,…
Οι ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες επικεντρώνονται στη μέγιστη δυνατή αξιοποίηση γεωθερμικών υγρών χαμηλής ενθαλπίας, τα οποία αφθονούν στην…