Best Poster Presentation Award at 14th PSCCE

Best Poster Presentation Award at 14th PSCCE

We are pleased to announce that our colleague Dr. Alexandra Moschona, who presented part NRRE laboratory research work at the 14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering held in Thessaloniki from 29 to 31 May 2024, won the award for the best poster presentation.

The work was entitled “Cultivation of genetically modified yeast strains for the production of enzymes and high added-value chemical compounds” and the co-authors are Alexandra Moschona, Asimina Tsiriga, Eleni Theodosiou, Angeliki Andreadelli, Dr. A. I. Karampelas, Antonios Makris and Sotirios Patsios.

This success is the result of a successful collaboration between the CPERI and INAB (Institute of Applied Biosciences) institutes at Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) and we thank all its contributors.