An artwork designed by V.C. Sarasidis used as a cover of the international scientific journal “Chemical Engineering Journal” volume 239, March 2014.

An artwork designed by V.C. Sarasidis used as a cover of the international scientific journal “Chemical Engineering Journal” volume 239, March 2014.

Το άρθρο Sarasidis V.C., Plakas K.V., Patsios S.I, Karabelas A.J “Investigation of diclofenac degradation in a continuous photo-catalytic membrane reactor. Influence of operating parameters”, Chemical Engineering Journal 239 (2014) 299–311 describes a novel  laboratory pilot PMR system, comprised of a photocatalytic reactor and a submerged hollow fibre ultrafiltration module, allowing a long term continuous, once-through flow operation, with no reject stream, and an efficient control of membrane fouling, through aeration and automatic periodic backwashing combined with moderate permeate flux. The aforementioned excellent performance of the PMR system offers the possibility of effectively removing synthetic organic micropollutants, with no addition of oxidants