5th Meeting of the “ANATHREPSI” project

5th Meeting of the “ANATHREPSI” project

On Tuesday, 15th of Decenber 2020, the fifth meeting of the ANATHREPSI project took place through video  conference (skype meeting) due to the COVID 19 restrictions on a nation wide level.

The meeting was attended by:

Pantelis Gkliaos, TEDRA (Project Coordinator)

Anastasios Karabelas, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH (Scientific Responsible)

Konstantinos Plakas, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH

Sotiris Patsios, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH

Anthoula Karanasiou, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH

Charikleia Tsaridou, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH


J.Oikonomou, TEDRA

Nikos Patsikas, TEDRA

During the meeting, key issues were discussed, which concerned the operation of the facility of anaerobic digestion with membranes (Memthane®), which operates in BIZIOS SA. from August 2020, and the quality of the anaerobic digestion liquid effluent. Also, the results of some preliminary results with real samples were presented, which took place at NRRE/CPERI/CERTH. Finally, it was agreed to provide information to TEDRA on products resulting from the processing and recovery of nutrients from anaerobic digestion liquid effluent samples.

Information at the following link: www.anathrepsi.org