4th Meeting of the “ANATHREPSI” project
On Friday, 15th of May 2020, the fourth meeting of the ANATHREPSI project took place through video conference (skype meeting) due to the COVID 19 restrictions on a nation wide level.
The meeting was attended by:
Pantelis Gkliaos, TEDRA (Project Coordinator)
Anastasios Karabelas, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH (Scientific Responsible)
Konstantinos Plakas, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH
Sotiris Patsios, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH
Anthoula Karanasiou, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH
Charikleia Tsaridou, NRRE/CPERI/CERTH
Athanasios Bizios, BIZIOS S.A.
Nikos Patsikas, TEDRA
The agenda of the meeting was as follows:
13:00 Meeting Start
13:05 Summary of project’s progress CERTH
13:20 «Verification – Certification request» CERTH
13:50 ΕΕ1: CSTR anaerobic digestion bioreactor function for the needs of the project (D 1.3) – TEDRA
14:00 ΕΕ2: Sum up of expiremental results and programming of new expirimental tests (D 2.1) – CERTH
14:15 ΕΕ3: Results of laboratory scale experiments and programming of the new experiments(D3.1) – CERTH
14:30 Conclusions – Actions, Priorities
15:00 Meeting closure
During the meeting were presented the results from the initial operation of the standard pilot unit of anaerobic digestion (continuous reactor, CSTR), which has been installed by the group of companies TEDRA in the facilities of BIZIOS SA. Also, the results from the treatment of synthetic nutrient solutions were presented with both proposed technologies of the project ANATHREPSI (reverse osmosis of low pressure and precipitation followed by distillation through membranes). It was concluded from the meeting that the progress of the work is at a satisfactory level, creating very positive expectations for the continuation of the ANATHREPSI project both in scientific level and in practical application. All attendees agreed to extend the Work Units, acknowledging the expected delays due to the coronavirus pandemic situation. Finally, it is planned to submit a verification-certification request by the beginning of July.
Information at the following link: www.anathrepsi.org