ANATHREPSI: “The transition from a linear to a circular economy”

ANATHREPSI: “The transition from a linear to a circular economy”

Nutrient recovery from anaerobic digestate of food industry wastewater by means of novel membrane technologies 

Scope-Novelty : The transition from a linear to a circular economy is the basic scope of the ANATHREPSI project, which aims to the development of innovative membrane technologies for the effective recovery of water and nutrients (N-NH3, P-PO4) from the anaerobic digestate of food industries. ANATHREPSI project aims, through an integrated work plan, to solve specific technological issues and to achieve the necessary progress to make possible and economically viable the scale-up (on an industrial scale) of an integrated and attractive practical solution for the food industry.

ANATHREPSI project involves 3 partners, a research organization (NRRE/CPERI/CERTH) with significant expertise in the processes examined and extensive experience in the successful execution of important research projects on an international scale, a dynamically developing company operating in the field of the construction, operation and maintenance of technical projects, which, in the context of expanding its  commercial activities has created the company BIOFERTILIZERS SA, and the trading company FERTILIS, which now compose the Group TEDRA, and an important dairy industry (BIZIOS SA) as a potential end-user of the technology that will be developed within the project.